Personal Development 

Five Steps to Seeing your Dreams Become a Reality

  It’s not that people don’t have dreams or ideas that could be wildly successful. It’s that they fail to start working towards making their dreams or ideas become a reality. Procrastination is the greatest thief of human potential and financial success that the world has ever known. If you have something locked up in you that you want to do and it’s being held captive by your procrastination, you can’t afford to sit around and think that things will change on their own. You must take action. Here are…

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Social Ills 

The Harmful Affects of Pornography on Society

Throughout the history of our nation, Americans have instinctively known the dangers of pornography, and, as our nation’s moral beginnings would have it, we as a society have resisted its intrusion for the most part. Even as late into the 20th century as the 1970’s, Americans have been repulsed by the idea that such an industry would even make an attempt to open for business in our communities. Times have changed though. We have begun to see the negative affect of pornography on our families, our communities, and our culture as adult book stores, theatres, and behind the counter sales of adult-oriented magazines have found their way in to our everyday life.

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