Personal Development 

Realizing Your Dreams in Twenty Minutes a Day

We all dream. It’s part of the unique nature of every human ever born. We are procreators, innovators and inventors by nature. There is no limitation whether by age, race, economic status, educational achievement or social standing. Dreaming is a part of who we are. We have all had dreams of doing something creative, important or meaningful in life at one time or another. Some choose to act on their dreams. Some choose not to. Most typically, people who give up on their dreams do so because of doubt or…

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mastermind team meeting Relationships 

Real Life Accountability with Real Friends

My friend and former pastor Max Wilkins recently shared a photo of a small group of men with who he has been in a covenant relationship with for a few decades now. They came together to hold each other accountable to a life of service, integrity, and character – to God, to family, and to the world. This group of men made a pact some 26 years ago to get in each other’s faces and to live out what, King Solomon’s wisdom found in Proverbs speaks of Iron sharpening iron…

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photo of woman contemplating failure and disappointment Personal Development 

Out of the Rubble of Our Lives

Another lost job. Another failed relationship. Another major setback. That feeling like everything is falling apart or closing in on life as you know it. Frustration. Painful memories. A spinning carousel of emotions that make you feel out of control. Ever been there? You are most likely reading this for this very reason. I know that I have. So, let me be real here. Let me strip away the cancerous nature of my outer shell and the personna that says, “nothing phases me or gets me down.” Let’s be real…

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Personal Development 

The Upside to Helping Others

It’s an interesting phenomenon in life that when you sow into the lives of others, your investment into them brings a substantial reward back into your life. While this reward can at times be a financial return, most often it is a reward far greater than what any monetary reward can bring. The more you are outward focused and given to helping people, the greater the joy of living becomes, and the more filled your cup of satisfaction, happiness, joy, peace, and contentment becomes. Another thing happens too. The more you…

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