Personal Development 

The Trap of Happiness and Positivity

We have been inundated in recent years with the self-love movement and the positivity movement. We can seldom go on social media without reading a self-love directed quote or exhortation l, or running across a positivity quote from someone who is convinced that we only need to think positive in order to have a better life. Some of them almost sound inspiring – kind of feel good, happy-thought inspiring. Maybe you have seen quotes resembling them. Here are a few. “I am my first priority in my life. If not,…

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Personal Development 

Your Imagination is for Your Success

Nothing in your ability to dream or imagine should ever be discounted. Our imagination is unique to any other living organism on earth. We were created to procreate. Our imagination is part of this procreative ability. To imagine, to reason, to plan, and to implement our plans are part of our amazing uniqueness as mankind. No other living creature has this ability. When Robert Goddard – the father of rockets and rocket propulsion – began sharing his ideas about rockets, he was met with a great deal of criticism and…

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Personal Development 

Only a Year to Live

Anthony Burgess was forty when he learned he had a brain tumor that would kill him within a year. He had no money at the time and nothing to bequeath to his soon-to-be widow, Lynne. Burgess had never been a professional novelist in the past; but he was always aware that he had the talent to be a writer in him. So, just to be able to leave at least the copyrights to his wife, he put a piece of paper in the typewriter and began to write his first…

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Personal Development 

Realizing Your Dreams in Twenty Minutes a Day

We all dream. It’s part of the unique nature of every human ever born. We are procreators, innovators and inventors by nature. There is no limitation whether by age, race, economic status, educational achievement or social standing. Dreaming is a part of who we are. We have all had dreams of doing something creative, important or meaningful in life at one time or another. Some choose to act on their dreams. Some choose not to. Most typically, people who give up on their dreams do so because of doubt or…

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