
Secret Weapon of Lasting Success

Abraham Lincoln PortraitIs it just me, or can anyone else relate to the life of Abraham Lincoln? This guy had issues, incredible hurdles to overcome. He was an attorney, but not a really great one. He was oftentimes ridiculed by those closest to him about his life, his decisions, his failures, and his mistakes. When Abraham Lincoln chose to go into politics, he lost several elections in a row as a politician. He was an underdog to say the very least when it came to running for president.

So, what made him to become such a huge part of American history? It was not his political connections. It was not his savvy business sense. It was not his high IQ, his charming personality, and certainly not his looks. It was not even the fact that he helped abolish slavery.

What those who study history and success stories of those in history most often come away with from their knowledge of Abraham Lincoln was his attitude. He was completely given to what he felt was his life purpose. The result was attributes like perseverance and a determination not to give up even when he failed or was defeated. It was also the ability to see the big picture of his life and where he was going.

Out of all of reasons Abraham Lincoln is most remembered for, his unwavering ENTHUSIASM stands out as the single most defining attribute of his life.  Above everything else, his enthusiasm is what carried him into history as one of America’s greatest political figures.

Maybe this is why he has been credited with the quote that is so popular among highly successful people that reminds us that,

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.”

Choose today to find what your purpose in life is. If you do, you will feel the birth of an unquenchable enthusiasm springing up in your heart. Then, like Abraham Lincoln, your enthusiasm will propel you through every obstacle and setback you will ever encounter. Get enthusiastic about what you’re supposed to be doing in life. When you do, watch what history you will make!

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