Self Help Libraries are in, and They’re Making People Lots of Money!

I don’t think that there is a single individual who lives in the free world who has not heard of Anthony Robbins. His story is one of those rags to riches stories – living on food stamps in a one room apartment, overweight, lazy, discouraged, sick and tired of being a failure, and no options in sight. Then, one day it hits him. He is inspired with a solution to his situation from within, and ultimately builds an empire in the self help industry worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Fast forward to today.

Have you been to a book store recently and walked by their self-help section. It’s amazing how many self help books there are. And, all of them are on those shelves for one reason and one reason alone; to help you become successful in your personal and public life. I have read a ton of them over the years. Ok. Well, maybe not a ton. More like 500 pounds worth. And, I can tell you that although I don’t agree with all of the information found in them (the best self-help book is the Bible), it never fails that I pick up one or two (sometimes more) great tips, tricks, and/or techniques that help me to better serve others or to better accomplish my goals more efficiently. Maybe you have had the same experience.

Some of those success books are expensive though. Admittedly so, I have paid $40 for some of them that really got my attention. Was it worth it? Well, here is the question I pose to myself when I am considering the purchase of a book that I believe might have a few nuggets of truth in them that could help me to achieve my goals. “If I could learn even one new thing from this book that would allow me to increase my monthly income by even $200, would that book purchase be worth it?” Would you pay that sort of money for a book if you could increase your income by, let’s say, only $100 a month? I think most reasonably-minded people would say it was a good investment – bringing in over a thirty to one return on investment over a years time. Not bad. Beats the stock market, doesn’t it.

I find that most self help books have a lot of fluff in them. Fluff defined is information that is common public knowledge on any particular field of interest or industry. For the most part, at least for me, most self help books have only a few immediately applicable nuggets of information that I can apply that effectuate positive results for me. BUT, in my mind, even a few nuggets of truth – the one or two pieces of information that are able to catapult me into success in the area that I am working towards my goals in – is worth the investment. But, most people do not see it that way. Why? Honestly, I am not really sure why.

A person will gladly pay $8000 or so a year to go back to school to get a college degree in some area of expertise that interests them. They will pay several thousand dollars to go through vocational training program that they feel they need. And, those looking to make their living online will even pay $4000 to $6000 to some slick promoter to get a course that simply teaches them the basics of online marketing, and ultimately how to sell the promoter’s course to others as the way of making money online.  Yet, these same people will be reluctant to purchase a few dozen e-Books that are specific to their success equation online. If you are one of those who have purchased such an expensive course, please forgive me if this seems harsh. Truth is that you may be one of the 95% who never make even their original investment back on those sorts of courses.

So, back on topic to wrap this post up in a positive light here. Here is what I absolutely love about online self help books. Most of the books that you can purchase online – even though they only provide small amounts of needed information – are not only valuable in helping others be successful at what they are endeavoring to do, but hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars cheaper than getting a formal education on a subject. And, as I have said many times in my Webinars, most people are just one or two small pieces of information away from being catapulted into success. I think we all know though that success is what you determine in your heart and mind to make it. Even those with all the information they need can fail or live in frustration if they don’t have a plan, strategy, or maybe something as simple as a success coach guiding them.

A formal education is important for some as it relates to their ego and their self-image. And yes, a formal education can open doors for the person that is seeking to be an employee for the rest of their lives and work their way up the corporate ladder. However, the truth is (and history proves) that being highly educated does not guarantee a financially secure future. Ask anyone who has a college degree that is unemployed right now (about 20 million of them I am told out of the 45 million who are unemployed).

So how can the enormous proliferation of self-help books both in stores and online as e-Books help you succeed today? Think of this readily available knowledge as not only a repository of help in your endeavors, but also as a potential source of income. The income through the resell of any eBook that you find helpful, as well as your ability to write your own eBook that relates to something that you know a great deal about or have a level of expertise that only a small percentage actually have on a given subject can be huge.

Millions of people are doing searches for information every day, and most often find it through Websites that offer information that is often linked to an eBook they are selling. Take advantage of the wealth of knowledge that is available to learn what you need to in order to be successful, and consider writing about something that you feel you know a great deal about that others would consider valuable. There are huge rewards in both.

If you would like to learn more about how you can potentially earn a significant amount of money through the online marketing of eBooks, and would like to be trained in how to do it, write us today at: opportunity (at) We hold periodic Webinar classes on exactly how to get set up on the Internet to market both yourself, your own eBook, and the eBooks of others.

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