Network Marketing Training – Action Ice Breakers

Ninety-five (95%) of all those who get involved in network marketing or direct sales, whether online or not, will fail to ever earn enough money to make back their personal investment of time and money they have put into it. Sounds like a dismal scenario, doesn’t it? And, for most, it comes as no surprise since this is a fairly widespread bit of knowledge. But what might surprise you is why only five percent of those who get involved succeed and ninety-five percent of them fail. Are you ready for this? Out of all the reasons that are most often given for someone’s failure in these sorts of businesses, the one that is last to be mentioned, and hardly ever admitted to, but is most often the very reason alone for someone not experiencing financial success in their marketing business is that of the lack of taking action.

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Self Help Libraries are in, and They’re Making People Lots of Money!

I don’t think that there is a single individual who lives in the free world who has not heard of Tony Robbins. His story is one of those rags to riches stories – living on food stamps in a one room apartment, overweight, lazy, discouraged, sick and tired of being a failure, and no options in sight. Then, one day it hits him. He is inspired with a solution to his situation from within, and ultimately builds an empire in the self help industry worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Fast forward to today.

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