Effective Communication Skills Positively Impact Lives

I sat captivated by a speaker who was sharing his story with the audience. He was not an articulate well-spoken man. Truth be told, he suffered from Cerebral Palsy. Have you ever said something to someone and they completely misunderstood what you said? Of course.  We all have. In a worse case scenario, it may have even ended a great relationship, or at least the potential of one. I know I have said things I wish I could have taken back. If we were to all be honest, we have…

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General Business 

Four Fundamental Must Haves for Business Success

The four fundamental must haves for business success are a part of every successful business that I have seen or worked with in my career as a business consultant and coach. And with the business environment of our global economy as it is today, these four fundamental must haves for business success are especially important in the 21st century. See how your business backbone measures up to this litmus test of success essentials for a thriving business

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Success Secrets of Email Marketing

  Email marketing is a huge and profitable tool for sales process and feeding qualified prospects into your sales funnel. How you go about it is as important as what you choose to offer at any given time to your list. You never want to alienate anyone from your email marketing campaign mailings if you plan to harvest that list for financial gain repetitiously.  Learning to used these success secrets of email marketing effectively will have a huge impact on your success in email marketing. An important key to success…

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How to Prevent WordPress Security Problems with Your Website

Knowing how to prevent WordPress security problems with your Website can save you tons of time and aggravation if you will just take a few minutes each week to maintain the updates of your WordPress Website.  Let’s face it.  There is always someone who thinks it’s cool to hack into other peoples websites.  And, as great as Matt and his team are at WordPress, even their platform has security issues if they don’t keep providing security updates for the millions of users worldwide.  “It’s not just a WordPress security issue, but…

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Become and Online Tutorials Expert and Explode Your Brand

Everyone likes to learn something every once in a while, right? One of the best ways to build up your Website traffic is to provide tutorials. I want to share seven steps to becoming an expert online by providing tutorials on your Website. The seven steps to becoming an expert online can work for any area of interest and be done by anyone who has 20 minutes a day to work on writing content. Do you have 20 minutes a day to build your personal brand by becoming an ‘expert’ on a subject that interests you?

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Can you read this? The Power of the Human Brain

The human brain is really quite amazing. Even with the worst of injuries our brains have the ability to adapt and improve on the things it learns when it is stimulated to do so.  Take the following paragraph for instance. The ability of our brains to see groups of letters and rearrange them as we read something like this has stumped scientists who study how our brains work. So, here is is.  Give it a try. If you find this entertaining or interesting please Tweet it, Buzz it, or Share…

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Search Engine Marketing Fundamentals and How to Utilize SEM

No truer words have ever been spoken than Mark Twain’s take on advertising. If ever there could be a truer statement for Internet marketing, I would be surprised. The fact is that I have seen tiny Websites by individuals who are brand new to Internet marketing take the right approach to marketing (advertising) their Website, and watched their new business explode with success; and one of the main initiatives these small Website owners have used is Search Engine Marketing. Taking the time to learn about search engine marketing (SEM) fundamentals and how to utilize SEM to promote your business, organization or personal brand is one of the very most important aspects of Internet marketing that you can learn. Search engine marketing includes several aspects of promoting your business, so learning how to ustilize SEM by applying search engine marketing fundamentals is well worth your time if you want ot be successful online.

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